“Teachers effectively support learners with profound and multiple
learning disabilities to engage in their education fully, self-regulate their behaviours,
and, as a result, develop significant new skills.” Ofsted Report (November 2023)
The STRIVE study programme offers an individualised curriculum centred around the local community, giving the students and their families opportunities to take part in the wider community and prepare them as much as possible for adult life.
At the Hive students have access to the very best facilities such as large interactive classrooms with up-to-date technology, an outdoor sensory garden, a Hydrotherapy pool and Physiotherapy. We have a highly skilled specialist team of teachers and teaching assistants and a medical room which has two nurses on site every day.
We are dedicated to do all we can to help our students develop and succeed and expect our students to do their very best to achieve their goals and enjoy the opportunities STRIVE will provide
The curriculum is designed to STRIVE to:
- Be as independent as possible
- Be part of the community
- Be able to communicate desires and needs
- Be as mobile as possible
- Achieve individual goals
Teachers use the input from therapists and nurses to enhance teaching, placement
preparation and activities.
Within the STRIVE curriculum the students will use a variety of approaches to support their learning. Many students benefit from a sensory approach to learning and will use strategies such as objects of reference, photographs, symbols, switches and PECs to support their learning and communication.
Members of staff will work with individual students to ensure that they adopt consistent approaches to ensure students are secure in their learning. Students will be provided with opportunities to trial ideas and explore as independently as possible and allow appropriate time to notice and respond.
Curriculum Content
Communication and Cognition
Driving the curriculum is communication and cognition encouraging all students to think and learn based on their own personalised learning plan.
Personal care and Independence

All students have an individual personal care and independence programme delivered ensuring their own specific needs are met to enable them to become as independent a citizen as possible within their own community. Each student’s particular needs will be carefully analysed to ensure the programme works with their physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, speech and language and medical plans.

Individual functional plans are followed based on the students physiotherapy needs focus and requirements to access the community. The college Physiotherapist, dedicated to STRIVE students enables us to develop, deliver and review suitable physio programmes for each individual student. This facility will assist in maintain and improving students muscle tone, flexibility and movement to enhance their independence.
Community Participation and Engagement
The team of dedicated staff at the college will set out a study programme based on the individual needs, community and location for each student.
A Student and Family Support Worker will work closely with the students, staff and families to ensure that all our students gain access to what their community offers to suit their needs with the correct support in place.